Lifting Vibration through Diet and Lifestyle:
ST: What's happening to me? My nerves feel fried and I'm having trouble writing.
Saint Jude: Expect your body to resist changes happening on the planet. After all, your body feels frightened. It's never experienced these types of changes. The purification process alone can be tremendously scary to the cells in your body. So be easy on it. Give your body lots of love and attention. Feed it high vibrational foods (foods grown with loving intention), drink purified water and talk nicely to your body. Self-massage, aromatherapy and rest go a long way in calming your cells and nerves. Prayer, meditation, energy medicine, and music (healing music) need to be added to your daily regime.
ST: Yes, I do most of that, especially the music, food and vibration. I have a question about food and vibration. Can someone vibrating a low frequency eat high vibrational food? They seem to be addicted to low vibrational food.
SJ: Oh, my dear, what a fantastic question! Yes, addiction is low vibration. When a person breaks an addiction he or she raises their vibration. That's why yoga and meditation for instance, or music therapy are so helpful in breaking addiction or low vibration habits. This is why AA groups prove helpful. Yeshua provides a high vibration healing environment.
So with food, what I recommend is changing the diet slowly over time. For an omnivore, cut meat consumption out one day of the week, then two days of the week, and so on. Eat only free range meat--it has a higher vibration. Most of the time. Switch right away to organically grown grains and produce and drink a lot of purified water. Do a colon and liver cleanse with doctor or healer supervision.
ST: How do you recommend introducing body work and energy medicine?
SJ: Change the diet first and purify the body on the physical level. Second, deal with emotional and spiritual issues--purify in this regard. The physical purification takes shorter time . You'll need healer supervision and therapy or the other option is a weekly massage and join a yoga or meditation class. More disciplined people can get DVDs from the library (for meditation and yoga). What ever program you choose, stick with it. Don't get discouraged when you go through a rough patch. There are good and bad days relatively speaking. Keep going, move forward and count milestones along the way, but don't dwell on the past. This will actually lower your vibration because you'll rehash painful situations and errors of judgement.
ST: This sounds like excellent advice, but a lot of work. How many people will pursue such a program? Addiction and denial seem comfortable to some people, like an old friend even if it abuses them.
SJ: There's that saying, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make her drink." It's worse with humans. The horse will eventually sort things out and drink from the trough. But the addicted human might shun help and repeat a number of rationalizations. "I'm not an addict just because I spend my day in an alcoholic stupor...I choose this..."
ST: Or does it choose them?
SJ: Well, now you're getting back into victim-thinking. Addiction=low vibration. Raising the vibration heals the mind-body-spirit of addiction. We have already established this fact. The body-mind-spirit longs for ecstasy--better to find that in prayer and meditation than drugs, (alcohol or other addictions).
The Saints
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Saints Transmission: Let the Light Through
For the next 24 hours starting on December 24, let the light shine and radiate in your heart. Reach out with a generous heart and act from a place of Love.
We Love You.
The Saints
We Love You.
The Saints
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Solstice: Let the Light Shine In
Transmission: Saint Jude
Happy Winter/Summer Solstice! This symbolizes light coming into the dark places. You've heard this before and perhaps not thought much about it. But what does it mean to shine light into the dark places? I think you can take your imagination in this direction and contemplate healing light. What does this look like to you?
Imagine entering a dark room with only a flashlight in hand. Shadows creep up on you, and you might shine your light on things that frighten you. Perhaps there is a silent man in the room, that you didn't know was present until you shine your light on him. This startles you. It would startle anyone. Well, think of the proverbial light dredging up all sorts of things and events you prefer not to notice.
Now instead of a flashlight, switch to a flood light. Wow, now look at all the events and things you couldn't see before, hiding in the shadows, lurking in your deep subconscious. Now, it's all coming up for you to assess, reevaluate, and heal. But you can't do this unless you stay centered. You can't do this unless you have faith in the power of light. But you can't have faith in the power of light while also devoting yourself and your life to darkness or dark things. So now is your time to choose. Will you make the effort to walk towards and bathe in the light. Or will you stay stuck in fear and perpetuate darkness on the earth? Your choice, but I tell you that I choose the light.
If you want to converse with saints and angels of light, then you must purge yourself of darkness. You must not shine only the flashlight, but shine the flood light. You must walk away from darkness with determination. Yes, I know the temptation and the lure into the dark underworld never ceases to amaze me. It's magnetic, powerful, and charismatic. Darkness portrays illusions, and pretends to satisfy your deepest desires, but does it really?
This time of year you celebrate diverse religious holidays. The most famous is the birth of Yeshua. This ritual is so famous, that even non-Christians feel drawn to the hope, and renewal brought with this symbolic birth. Ancient astrologers followed the signs and a special star that fortold lightness shining into darkness. As you light candles in a dark room, and watch the shadows dance across faces and walls, something primal stirs in you, the same primal urges that stirred in your ancestors of long ago. Lighting the Hanukkah candles or the Christmas tree also represent symbolic acts of the light. Some cultures light bonfires this time of year to signify hope and togetherness.
And if you're in the Southern Hemisphere, light starts to wane right about now. This is also a time to reflect on the power of the sun and the solar system. This is a time to plant for harvest. This is a time to give gratitude for all the light and love in your life. This is a time of joy and simple pleasures, as the light decreases little by little each passing day. And absorb the nourishing light of the sun.
We wish you a happy solstice. May the light shine in all of you forever and eternity.
Saint Jude
Happy Winter/Summer Solstice! This symbolizes light coming into the dark places. You've heard this before and perhaps not thought much about it. But what does it mean to shine light into the dark places? I think you can take your imagination in this direction and contemplate healing light. What does this look like to you?
Imagine entering a dark room with only a flashlight in hand. Shadows creep up on you, and you might shine your light on things that frighten you. Perhaps there is a silent man in the room, that you didn't know was present until you shine your light on him. This startles you. It would startle anyone. Well, think of the proverbial light dredging up all sorts of things and events you prefer not to notice.
Now instead of a flashlight, switch to a flood light. Wow, now look at all the events and things you couldn't see before, hiding in the shadows, lurking in your deep subconscious. Now, it's all coming up for you to assess, reevaluate, and heal. But you can't do this unless you stay centered. You can't do this unless you have faith in the power of light. But you can't have faith in the power of light while also devoting yourself and your life to darkness or dark things. So now is your time to choose. Will you make the effort to walk towards and bathe in the light. Or will you stay stuck in fear and perpetuate darkness on the earth? Your choice, but I tell you that I choose the light.
If you want to converse with saints and angels of light, then you must purge yourself of darkness. You must not shine only the flashlight, but shine the flood light. You must walk away from darkness with determination. Yes, I know the temptation and the lure into the dark underworld never ceases to amaze me. It's magnetic, powerful, and charismatic. Darkness portrays illusions, and pretends to satisfy your deepest desires, but does it really?
This time of year you celebrate diverse religious holidays. The most famous is the birth of Yeshua. This ritual is so famous, that even non-Christians feel drawn to the hope, and renewal brought with this symbolic birth. Ancient astrologers followed the signs and a special star that fortold lightness shining into darkness. As you light candles in a dark room, and watch the shadows dance across faces and walls, something primal stirs in you, the same primal urges that stirred in your ancestors of long ago. Lighting the Hanukkah candles or the Christmas tree also represent symbolic acts of the light. Some cultures light bonfires this time of year to signify hope and togetherness.
And if you're in the Southern Hemisphere, light starts to wane right about now. This is also a time to reflect on the power of the sun and the solar system. This is a time to plant for harvest. This is a time to give gratitude for all the light and love in your life. This is a time of joy and simple pleasures, as the light decreases little by little each passing day. And absorb the nourishing light of the sun.
We wish you a happy solstice. May the light shine in all of you forever and eternity.
Saint Jude
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Transmission: Saint Francesco di Assisi
Prayer of Gratitude (Blessings for Food and Water and Air)
(When you eat a meal, cook a meal, drink a glass of water, take a bath, etc... bless the food, water, and all elementals with this prayer).
I thank all the loving hands that brought me this food or water.
I thank the earth and all of her creatures that participated in bringing me
this food or water.
I thank the seeds, the sprouts, the water, air, sun, moon, stars and all the planets
for bringing me this food or water.
I thank God in all Divine Wisdom and the Universe for bringing me this food or water.
And I send love out to all of these creatures and elementals, all the beings that made this meal or water possible (fill in the blank).
And I ask the love that I send out to spread like a virus filling every heart, every soul, and every mind of every being connected to me and this gift of life.
I ask this love that I send out to multiply a thousand-fold and to keep expanding and spreading joy, light, and goodness for all.
Blessings, blessings, blessings, to All Creatures. Blessings, blessings, blessings to all beings forever more.
(When you eat a meal, cook a meal, drink a glass of water, take a bath, etc... bless the food, water, and all elementals with this prayer).
I thank all the loving hands that brought me this food or water.
I thank the earth and all of her creatures that participated in bringing me
this food or water.
I thank the seeds, the sprouts, the water, air, sun, moon, stars and all the planets
for bringing me this food or water.
I thank God in all Divine Wisdom and the Universe for bringing me this food or water.
And I send love out to all of these creatures and elementals, all the beings that made this meal or water possible (fill in the blank).
And I ask the love that I send out to spread like a virus filling every heart, every soul, and every mind of every being connected to me and this gift of life.
I ask this love that I send out to multiply a thousand-fold and to keep expanding and spreading joy, light, and goodness for all.
Blessings, blessings, blessings, to All Creatures. Blessings, blessings, blessings to all beings forever more.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Saints Transmission: Yeshua and the Art of Defenselessness
Saint Jude Transmission: Defensive Acts Lead Only to More Fear
Yeshua, my companion and teacher didn't promote the concept of "an eye for an eye," and he would have never avenged anyone, not even the smallest creature that bit him. Where did humanity go astray? Why are you always fighting so smugly among yourselves. Don't you see that since we are all One Being, a single entity, when you divide and conquer, you promote the growth of cancer cells. When you promote the attitude of "us verses them" or "an eye for an eye," you are living in the illusion of duality. When you act this way you harm your immune system and throw your body out of balance, not to mention your mind.
Now Yeshua was an enlightened Master. He knew the Oneness of All and he lived this concept daily, if not hourly. He also lived a life of defenselessness. Now, first, you're thinking people who live that way act like passive wimps. They lack courage and that sort of thing. But no, just the opposite. A defenseless person lives in the Power of Love, not fear. They see no reason to fight back, to live in the illusion of duality or to reap a karmic debt by attacking their "oppressor" simply because they don't live with the idea of oppressors and victims. They don't see themselves as victims.
Yeshua did not go to war with those that persecuted him. And it's not that he took the sins of the world in the way that it has been interpreted for thousands of years, instead, he revealed the secret of defenselessness. He claimed that by not fighting back, by allowing the karmic debt to be paid through defenselessness, peace can be obtained. Yes, the process is ugly, and painful, and there might be shortterm suffering. If you believe in the idea of martyrdom, then you might play out a drama around that concept. That gets old, (yawn).
Let me give you some more recent examples. Yeshua and the saints don't consider Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr. or John Lennon as martyrs, not at all. Each of these beings, though not perfect in everyday life (none of them treated their wives with the respect they deserved), reached a level of enlightenment where they knew death was stalking them. And all three of these men chose not to fight back, not to go on the attack, because even if you kill someone or injure someone in self-defense, you reap a karmic debt. You are bonded to that soul until you clear that debt. Does that make sense?
God-Goddess only judges on the act, not the reason or rationalization of the act. We don't deal with children who whine, "he did it first..." That's just old news. Your souls have lived many lives. And in these lives you have killed others, you have poisoned others, you have starved many, you have cheated, betrayed and harmed others. In other lives, you helped others through generosity and you might have even reached sainthood. You might have served an entire lifetime and cleansed your karmic debt, only to become a warrior in your next life without seeking atonement. So then you wonder why you have so many persecutors in this lifetime!
So two thousand or so years after Yeshua preached the art of defenselessness, and thousands of years since Buddha taught humans about illusions and karma, humanity still struggles with this concept and grows more violent every day. You thirst for violence and drama, you hunger for it and you're never satisfied so you keep upping the ante. Your rationalizations no longer work, as if they ever did. You must stop wars and by stopping wars, you also stop terrorism. By making sure that everyone is fed, clothed and has proper shelter to protect them from the elements, then you will walk the road towards peace in the world. By the way the only solution to terrorism is LOVE and COMPASSION. You are fools to think otherwise and you're spending millions of dollars on a solution that won't work. Meanwhile, people are starving to death, and people are dying from preventable diseases, which you don't have money to help, or so you say that you don't.
You must stop all these useless wars and move past this place of victimhood and martyrdom. All this drama is wearing us saints out. It's a thriller by the minute, more paranoid fantasies leashed upon the world and money is spent on keeping this illusion going, instead of transmuting all this drama into compassion and love. So if you find yourself in a position where you need to defend yourself, drop your arms, open your heart, and don't fight back. Shine light on every cell in your body and every cell in the body of your attacker. Know that it's all an illusion anyway. You're attacking yourself because remember there is only One Being here.
So if you feel that the world is out to get you, then examine your thoughts, patterns, and beliefs. The world is not out to get you. If you look around you will find more evidence of love than of fear. As you develop consciousness, which you can't do if you're constantly on the defensive, you will only experience different faces of love. You will feel called to love, and to spread compassion. If you want to save the planet, and lose the illusion of duality, then you must take this necessary risk. When you catch yourself acting defensive, stop. Change your mind and change your heart.
Yeshua doesn't condone any war. There is no good reason to go to war. There are no good reasons to kill another being. There are no good reasons to send millions of animals to slaughter houses so you can feast on the carnage. This is not the act of an enlightened being, but a soul still living in darkness and rationalizing his fears. Animals for instance don't enjoy being killed and eaten, but at least demonstrate the act of defenselessness, especially cows.
If you find yourself or someone you love in an abusive situation, don't go on the attack. Don't judge the person, but get out of the situation and know that you can and will find shelter. Send love and light to this abuser to the best of your ability and in time you will forgive, heal and move on, but never, never ever stay with an abuser. Don't rationalize that you can't leave because you can. You must otherwise you enable the toxic behavior in the abuser.
Follow your intuition and don't stay or wallow in dark places. Face your fears and learn how to love. You can't do this if you feel dis-empowered so seek the help you need to build your confidence and empower yourself. Pray to the saints or Yeshua. Pray for peace, love, and compassion to heal your situation. And know on some level that you are paying off a karmic debt. Nothing comes back to you to haunt you for no reason; there's history involved. But that doesn't mean you should stick around and allow yourself to be beaten. This is not what we mean by defenselessness. Use your brain that God gave you, and check in with your heart.
However, if you ever find yourself in a situation and you know it is your time to die, then surrender to it the way that Lennon, King, and Gandhi did and you'll clear your karmic debt. Your soul never dies, it just spirals onward towards enlightenment, one step forward, three steps back, four steps forward. I realize that this lesson will cause you to feel angry. That's okay, work through that anger to a place of healing.
We love humanity. We love this One Being that encompasses All of Us. Love is real and everything else is just a cheap drama produced by a film director with a bottom line. You can choose to buy into the drama, but believe me, it will end in disappointment. Or you can finally comprehend that only Love is Real. And Love, my dears, is the best show in town.
Saint Jude
Yeshua, my companion and teacher didn't promote the concept of "an eye for an eye," and he would have never avenged anyone, not even the smallest creature that bit him. Where did humanity go astray? Why are you always fighting so smugly among yourselves. Don't you see that since we are all One Being, a single entity, when you divide and conquer, you promote the growth of cancer cells. When you promote the attitude of "us verses them" or "an eye for an eye," you are living in the illusion of duality. When you act this way you harm your immune system and throw your body out of balance, not to mention your mind.
Now Yeshua was an enlightened Master. He knew the Oneness of All and he lived this concept daily, if not hourly. He also lived a life of defenselessness. Now, first, you're thinking people who live that way act like passive wimps. They lack courage and that sort of thing. But no, just the opposite. A defenseless person lives in the Power of Love, not fear. They see no reason to fight back, to live in the illusion of duality or to reap a karmic debt by attacking their "oppressor" simply because they don't live with the idea of oppressors and victims. They don't see themselves as victims.
Yeshua did not go to war with those that persecuted him. And it's not that he took the sins of the world in the way that it has been interpreted for thousands of years, instead, he revealed the secret of defenselessness. He claimed that by not fighting back, by allowing the karmic debt to be paid through defenselessness, peace can be obtained. Yes, the process is ugly, and painful, and there might be shortterm suffering. If you believe in the idea of martyrdom, then you might play out a drama around that concept. That gets old, (yawn).
Let me give you some more recent examples. Yeshua and the saints don't consider Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr. or John Lennon as martyrs, not at all. Each of these beings, though not perfect in everyday life (none of them treated their wives with the respect they deserved), reached a level of enlightenment where they knew death was stalking them. And all three of these men chose not to fight back, not to go on the attack, because even if you kill someone or injure someone in self-defense, you reap a karmic debt. You are bonded to that soul until you clear that debt. Does that make sense?
God-Goddess only judges on the act, not the reason or rationalization of the act. We don't deal with children who whine, "he did it first..." That's just old news. Your souls have lived many lives. And in these lives you have killed others, you have poisoned others, you have starved many, you have cheated, betrayed and harmed others. In other lives, you helped others through generosity and you might have even reached sainthood. You might have served an entire lifetime and cleansed your karmic debt, only to become a warrior in your next life without seeking atonement. So then you wonder why you have so many persecutors in this lifetime!
So two thousand or so years after Yeshua preached the art of defenselessness, and thousands of years since Buddha taught humans about illusions and karma, humanity still struggles with this concept and grows more violent every day. You thirst for violence and drama, you hunger for it and you're never satisfied so you keep upping the ante. Your rationalizations no longer work, as if they ever did. You must stop wars and by stopping wars, you also stop terrorism. By making sure that everyone is fed, clothed and has proper shelter to protect them from the elements, then you will walk the road towards peace in the world. By the way the only solution to terrorism is LOVE and COMPASSION. You are fools to think otherwise and you're spending millions of dollars on a solution that won't work. Meanwhile, people are starving to death, and people are dying from preventable diseases, which you don't have money to help, or so you say that you don't.
You must stop all these useless wars and move past this place of victimhood and martyrdom. All this drama is wearing us saints out. It's a thriller by the minute, more paranoid fantasies leashed upon the world and money is spent on keeping this illusion going, instead of transmuting all this drama into compassion and love. So if you find yourself in a position where you need to defend yourself, drop your arms, open your heart, and don't fight back. Shine light on every cell in your body and every cell in the body of your attacker. Know that it's all an illusion anyway. You're attacking yourself because remember there is only One Being here.
So if you feel that the world is out to get you, then examine your thoughts, patterns, and beliefs. The world is not out to get you. If you look around you will find more evidence of love than of fear. As you develop consciousness, which you can't do if you're constantly on the defensive, you will only experience different faces of love. You will feel called to love, and to spread compassion. If you want to save the planet, and lose the illusion of duality, then you must take this necessary risk. When you catch yourself acting defensive, stop. Change your mind and change your heart.
Yeshua doesn't condone any war. There is no good reason to go to war. There are no good reasons to kill another being. There are no good reasons to send millions of animals to slaughter houses so you can feast on the carnage. This is not the act of an enlightened being, but a soul still living in darkness and rationalizing his fears. Animals for instance don't enjoy being killed and eaten, but at least demonstrate the act of defenselessness, especially cows.
If you find yourself or someone you love in an abusive situation, don't go on the attack. Don't judge the person, but get out of the situation and know that you can and will find shelter. Send love and light to this abuser to the best of your ability and in time you will forgive, heal and move on, but never, never ever stay with an abuser. Don't rationalize that you can't leave because you can. You must otherwise you enable the toxic behavior in the abuser.
Follow your intuition and don't stay or wallow in dark places. Face your fears and learn how to love. You can't do this if you feel dis-empowered so seek the help you need to build your confidence and empower yourself. Pray to the saints or Yeshua. Pray for peace, love, and compassion to heal your situation. And know on some level that you are paying off a karmic debt. Nothing comes back to you to haunt you for no reason; there's history involved. But that doesn't mean you should stick around and allow yourself to be beaten. This is not what we mean by defenselessness. Use your brain that God gave you, and check in with your heart.
However, if you ever find yourself in a situation and you know it is your time to die, then surrender to it the way that Lennon, King, and Gandhi did and you'll clear your karmic debt. Your soul never dies, it just spirals onward towards enlightenment, one step forward, three steps back, four steps forward. I realize that this lesson will cause you to feel angry. That's okay, work through that anger to a place of healing.
We love humanity. We love this One Being that encompasses All of Us. Love is real and everything else is just a cheap drama produced by a film director with a bottom line. You can choose to buy into the drama, but believe me, it will end in disappointment. Or you can finally comprehend that only Love is Real. And Love, my dears, is the best show in town.
Saint Jude
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Francesco and Clare of Assisi Transmission: Play
Transmission from Saint Francesco and Clare of Assisi:
Why do you take yourselves so seriously? Do children take themselves too seriously? How can you solve the world's myriad of problems if you take yourself too seriously? How can you gain access to your imagination and creativity if your stuck in seriousness?
Oh, I know what you'll say, "Francesco and Clare, you are fools for love or you're just plain fools." But if you don't sing, dance, write poems, engage in community celebrations how will you get to know your neighbors, and how will you find your role in your community? I'm not saying that we should underestimate the gravity of our situation with the earth. No, I'm not saying that at all.
But playing, (not the same as playing games), liberates the mind and unleashes the power of the heart. Brainstorming and playing creative games can provide answers to various problems you face. Laughter releases wrinkles from your skin and gives more flexibility to your joints. Comedy, getting together with others and enjoying the gift of laughter should never be underestimated. Share poetry, share songs, and dance even if you think you don't know how to dance. Even a five year old knows how to dance so why do you say you have two left feet? Hmmm, two left feet, now that's interesting.
Tell jokes, find the humor in life's circumstances. Learn to play a musical instrument, learn to express your emotions through singing. Get together with friends and go for a hike. Meditate with Buddhist monks for a change. Go to an event that you would have never gone to in the past, but think would be fun. Hang out in a bookstore or go to a movie. Share what you love with others.
If you think that friars and monks are serious people who never laugh, never joke, never dance for joy or revel in the beauty of the earth, then you're missing the point. If you think spiritual leaders have no sense of humor, you are wrong again. Anyone who takes themselves too seriously needs a gentle kick in the butt. Laugh at your mistakes then learn from them. Allow others to laugh at your mistakes and allow them to learn from them.
I made lots of mistakes in my lifetime. Clare made lots of mistakes in her lifetime. We had fun, oh, we had so much fun, playing the roles of Christ's fools. Someone must play the role of the juggler, the fool for love troubadour. If you must report dire news then at least find some humor in it. Oh, I know, climate change is no laughing matter, but taking it seriously to the point of doom and gloom will only cause humans to fall deeper in denial.
It's through playing I tell you that you'll find solutions. It's through the arts, and not so much the sciences that you will find true healing. You may not believe these words now, but in time it will all make sense. Arts aren't frivilous. God created the creative spirit. So dabble in it. Paint, sculpt, draw, sing, compose, and write. Play with children. Laugh with children and listen to the wisdom of the child. After all, it's their future that you gamble away. Retrieve your state of innocence. Purify your hearts and play.
Last but not least, if you want to help someone change their diet, cook for them. Show them the pleasure of eating healthy foods. If you want someone to treat the earth better, model ecological friendly behavior in a fun way. You must create a magnetic attraction to greener lifestyles. Spread love, not fear. Spread good humor and show others you can laugh at yourself as you evolve.
Saint Francesco and Saint Clare
Why do you take yourselves so seriously? Do children take themselves too seriously? How can you solve the world's myriad of problems if you take yourself too seriously? How can you gain access to your imagination and creativity if your stuck in seriousness?
Oh, I know what you'll say, "Francesco and Clare, you are fools for love or you're just plain fools." But if you don't sing, dance, write poems, engage in community celebrations how will you get to know your neighbors, and how will you find your role in your community? I'm not saying that we should underestimate the gravity of our situation with the earth. No, I'm not saying that at all.
But playing, (not the same as playing games), liberates the mind and unleashes the power of the heart. Brainstorming and playing creative games can provide answers to various problems you face. Laughter releases wrinkles from your skin and gives more flexibility to your joints. Comedy, getting together with others and enjoying the gift of laughter should never be underestimated. Share poetry, share songs, and dance even if you think you don't know how to dance. Even a five year old knows how to dance so why do you say you have two left feet? Hmmm, two left feet, now that's interesting.
Tell jokes, find the humor in life's circumstances. Learn to play a musical instrument, learn to express your emotions through singing. Get together with friends and go for a hike. Meditate with Buddhist monks for a change. Go to an event that you would have never gone to in the past, but think would be fun. Hang out in a bookstore or go to a movie. Share what you love with others.
If you think that friars and monks are serious people who never laugh, never joke, never dance for joy or revel in the beauty of the earth, then you're missing the point. If you think spiritual leaders have no sense of humor, you are wrong again. Anyone who takes themselves too seriously needs a gentle kick in the butt. Laugh at your mistakes then learn from them. Allow others to laugh at your mistakes and allow them to learn from them.
I made lots of mistakes in my lifetime. Clare made lots of mistakes in her lifetime. We had fun, oh, we had so much fun, playing the roles of Christ's fools. Someone must play the role of the juggler, the fool for love troubadour. If you must report dire news then at least find some humor in it. Oh, I know, climate change is no laughing matter, but taking it seriously to the point of doom and gloom will only cause humans to fall deeper in denial.
It's through playing I tell you that you'll find solutions. It's through the arts, and not so much the sciences that you will find true healing. You may not believe these words now, but in time it will all make sense. Arts aren't frivilous. God created the creative spirit. So dabble in it. Paint, sculpt, draw, sing, compose, and write. Play with children. Laugh with children and listen to the wisdom of the child. After all, it's their future that you gamble away. Retrieve your state of innocence. Purify your hearts and play.
Last but not least, if you want to help someone change their diet, cook for them. Show them the pleasure of eating healthy foods. If you want someone to treat the earth better, model ecological friendly behavior in a fun way. You must create a magnetic attraction to greener lifestyles. Spread love, not fear. Spread good humor and show others you can laugh at yourself as you evolve.
Saint Francesco and Saint Clare
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Saints Transmissions: Purify and Detox
Council of Lady Saints: Detox Your Bodies Now; Align with Mother Earth
If you're reading this post then you have awakened. You wouldn't be here reading our words if you sought no direction or advice. You feel your world, the world as you know it, ebbing away, like sand on a beach dissolving in the waves. The structures that you came to know, that you've always known dissolve too. This leaves you anchorless, floating into the unknown, drifting one moment then clinging the next. Does any of this sound familiar?
You eat healthy, but still feel heavy and suffer from indigestion. You find that it's harder than ever to put healthy and pure food on your table, not to mention breathing pure air and drinking clean water. You look out your window and see fog blocking your view of the mountains, or you see flotsam floating on your favorite waterway. You wade through litter and debris on the streets, on the beach, on a forest trail, and you feel your energy plummet into the abyss. You feel the despair that us saints once felt. You wonder if life is worth living and if you can save yourself from global destruction.
You experience nightsweats, a strange feeling in your head, your heart beats irregular, and perhaps you feel your body eliminating toxins, just as the earth does. You will become suddenly ill, and then the illness leaves as quickly. You feel trembling in your limbs, strange sensations on the crown of your head, and your vision plays tricks on you. You might receive messages from animals, ancestors, someone else's ancestors, or saints. You might walk with angels and not know it. All is not as it seems.
We're sorry to tell you this, but the world as you've known it has ended. That's right. Let us repeat this important, groundbreaking news, which you'll never hear on the news. The world as you've known it has ended. Actually it ended sometimes ago. The dark ones hold up illusions and it is only out of fear that you cling to the illusions. And I would ask you to examine all your beliefs at this time too. How many of your beliefs benefit others and not you? What beliefs and ethics do you live by, yours or someone else's? You must answer that question now if you'll ever find fulfillment and joy.
So you wonder where the detoxing process comes in and you wonder what this has to do with aligning to Mother Earth. Well, you're already One Being with Mother Earth. So what happens to her, happens to you. If you pollute the earth, guess what? You pollute your body too. That's right. The Earth has organs too, just like you. It's the macro and the micro playing themselves out, and invisible to most of you. So why don't you hear about this on the evening news?
So let's start with the process. First, we'll start with the body. What do you do to your body that pollutes it? Are you taking toxic pills that could be replaced with energy medicine like acupuncture or herbal remedies? Are you eating conventionally-grown foods? Are you eating animals raised in hazardous conditions? Why? Are you eating GMO foods? Are you drinking dirty water and breathing dirty air? Are you drinking alcohol or smoking, involved with recreational drugs or listen to hateful music, or watch violent movies? All these things add toxins to your flesh and bones. Start eliminating them today.
Let's look at the mind. What do you feed your mind? Do you berate and judge yourself harshly? Do you live out unworkable patterns and hang on to useless beliefs that serve the dark ones? Do you use profanity and engage in violent communications to seem provocative? Do you fill your head with hate, disgust, judgements, jealousy thoughts, and tear others down to build up your ego? Do you support warfare and does your mind seek enemies instead of allies? Start eliminating these habits today.
Let's look at spirit/soul. Do you hang out in low-vibrational atmospheres? What is your workplace like? Do you leave with a headache every day and do you feel sapped of energy? And what about your friends and colleagues? Do they speak in non-violent terms, show you respect, practice spirituality based on love, forgiveness and compassion? Or do they gossip about you behind your back, compete with you, pretend they're friends, but only because they want something from you? Do they abuse you in anyway? Give this some serious thought. Start eliminating low-vibrational situations and people today.
So as the earth purifies herself through "natural disasters," you too will feel the need to vent, purify and your body will do this at the least convenient times. So get involved with exercise that allows you to sweat out toxins. Eat organic fruits and vegetables every day, especially superfoods (Brussels sprouts, brocoli, kale, spinach, yams, pumpkin, berries, and tropical fruits). Drink only filtered water. Practice yoga or some other exercise that moves energy and detoxing your body. For your mind and spirit, meditate. You can sing spiritual chants, pray, journal, or practice walking meditation.
Prepare yourself to faulter. Prepare yourself to trip and fall. Then get up and start over again. You're not alone. Billions of humans find themselves in the same space, only most of them have no concept of what's happening in the world. They don't know yet that the world has ended. It's not about to end, it's not ending in the future, or when the Mayan Calendar dictates. We repeat, the world has already ended, at least the illusionary world.
As we live in a transition period, it's now up to you to create the new world. Envision the world you desire. Is it peaceful or violent? Do people love and cooperate with each other and all creatures? Does the lamb lay down with the lion or does the lion devour the lamb? What kind of reality do you desire? You determine that by where you place your thoughts and loyalties. We didn't say this would be easy. It's not.
We love you. Pray to us. Ask for our help and we will come to your aid. We are like the school nurse that bandages your knee when you fall and scrape it. We are the mothers that sing lullabies to children who experienced nightmares. And boy, has humanity experienced some real nightmares! We comfort and we console. We don't ask anything of you except spread love and hope. Once you have purified yourself, get in the trenches and assist others with the process. They're not as strong or wise as you are.
Come to us and let us love you. Do not cry by yourself alone in your despair for one moment longer. We are the Council of Lady Saints and we love all of you.
Council of Lady Saints
If you're reading this post then you have awakened. You wouldn't be here reading our words if you sought no direction or advice. You feel your world, the world as you know it, ebbing away, like sand on a beach dissolving in the waves. The structures that you came to know, that you've always known dissolve too. This leaves you anchorless, floating into the unknown, drifting one moment then clinging the next. Does any of this sound familiar?
You eat healthy, but still feel heavy and suffer from indigestion. You find that it's harder than ever to put healthy and pure food on your table, not to mention breathing pure air and drinking clean water. You look out your window and see fog blocking your view of the mountains, or you see flotsam floating on your favorite waterway. You wade through litter and debris on the streets, on the beach, on a forest trail, and you feel your energy plummet into the abyss. You feel the despair that us saints once felt. You wonder if life is worth living and if you can save yourself from global destruction.
You experience nightsweats, a strange feeling in your head, your heart beats irregular, and perhaps you feel your body eliminating toxins, just as the earth does. You will become suddenly ill, and then the illness leaves as quickly. You feel trembling in your limbs, strange sensations on the crown of your head, and your vision plays tricks on you. You might receive messages from animals, ancestors, someone else's ancestors, or saints. You might walk with angels and not know it. All is not as it seems.
We're sorry to tell you this, but the world as you've known it has ended. That's right. Let us repeat this important, groundbreaking news, which you'll never hear on the news. The world as you've known it has ended. Actually it ended sometimes ago. The dark ones hold up illusions and it is only out of fear that you cling to the illusions. And I would ask you to examine all your beliefs at this time too. How many of your beliefs benefit others and not you? What beliefs and ethics do you live by, yours or someone else's? You must answer that question now if you'll ever find fulfillment and joy.
So you wonder where the detoxing process comes in and you wonder what this has to do with aligning to Mother Earth. Well, you're already One Being with Mother Earth. So what happens to her, happens to you. If you pollute the earth, guess what? You pollute your body too. That's right. The Earth has organs too, just like you. It's the macro and the micro playing themselves out, and invisible to most of you. So why don't you hear about this on the evening news?
So let's start with the process. First, we'll start with the body. What do you do to your body that pollutes it? Are you taking toxic pills that could be replaced with energy medicine like acupuncture or herbal remedies? Are you eating conventionally-grown foods? Are you eating animals raised in hazardous conditions? Why? Are you eating GMO foods? Are you drinking dirty water and breathing dirty air? Are you drinking alcohol or smoking, involved with recreational drugs or listen to hateful music, or watch violent movies? All these things add toxins to your flesh and bones. Start eliminating them today.
Let's look at the mind. What do you feed your mind? Do you berate and judge yourself harshly? Do you live out unworkable patterns and hang on to useless beliefs that serve the dark ones? Do you use profanity and engage in violent communications to seem provocative? Do you fill your head with hate, disgust, judgements, jealousy thoughts, and tear others down to build up your ego? Do you support warfare and does your mind seek enemies instead of allies? Start eliminating these habits today.
Let's look at spirit/soul. Do you hang out in low-vibrational atmospheres? What is your workplace like? Do you leave with a headache every day and do you feel sapped of energy? And what about your friends and colleagues? Do they speak in non-violent terms, show you respect, practice spirituality based on love, forgiveness and compassion? Or do they gossip about you behind your back, compete with you, pretend they're friends, but only because they want something from you? Do they abuse you in anyway? Give this some serious thought. Start eliminating low-vibrational situations and people today.
So as the earth purifies herself through "natural disasters," you too will feel the need to vent, purify and your body will do this at the least convenient times. So get involved with exercise that allows you to sweat out toxins. Eat organic fruits and vegetables every day, especially superfoods (Brussels sprouts, brocoli, kale, spinach, yams, pumpkin, berries, and tropical fruits). Drink only filtered water. Practice yoga or some other exercise that moves energy and detoxing your body. For your mind and spirit, meditate. You can sing spiritual chants, pray, journal, or practice walking meditation.
Prepare yourself to faulter. Prepare yourself to trip and fall. Then get up and start over again. You're not alone. Billions of humans find themselves in the same space, only most of them have no concept of what's happening in the world. They don't know yet that the world has ended. It's not about to end, it's not ending in the future, or when the Mayan Calendar dictates. We repeat, the world has already ended, at least the illusionary world.
As we live in a transition period, it's now up to you to create the new world. Envision the world you desire. Is it peaceful or violent? Do people love and cooperate with each other and all creatures? Does the lamb lay down with the lion or does the lion devour the lamb? What kind of reality do you desire? You determine that by where you place your thoughts and loyalties. We didn't say this would be easy. It's not.
We love you. Pray to us. Ask for our help and we will come to your aid. We are like the school nurse that bandages your knee when you fall and scrape it. We are the mothers that sing lullabies to children who experienced nightmares. And boy, has humanity experienced some real nightmares! We comfort and we console. We don't ask anything of you except spread love and hope. Once you have purified yourself, get in the trenches and assist others with the process. They're not as strong or wise as you are.
Come to us and let us love you. Do not cry by yourself alone in your despair for one moment longer. We are the Council of Lady Saints and we love all of you.
Council of Lady Saints
Saturday, November 27, 2010
High Vibe or Low Vibe
Transmission from Saint Jude:
I know my sweet friends that you're busy, so I will be brief. Today's message revolves around high and low vibrations. Fear and love. Hell on Earth=Low Vibration and Heaven on Earth=High Vibration. You don't need to practice a religion to appreciate that you only have two possibilities in which to choose. Only fear and love exist, but only love is real. However, if you choose drama, if you choose violence, if you choose hipness over peace, then I won't stop you. If you choose fear and suffering, I won't stop you. Perhaps you feel you need to experience darkness to understand light.
However, we rapidly approach a time when heaven and hell will create a big divide on Mother Earth. If you choose low vibrations/fear then you will reside in hell. It's not based on sin or karma, but the choices you make and have made. When we refer to the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve chose to live in a world of dualities. And so far, for hundreds of thousands of years, duality has served humanity.
But now we enter a new age where duality will cease to exist. You have two choices, a low-vibrational realm filled with chaos, violence, madness, disease, GMO foods, darkness, and more darkness, and you bet, your share of suffering. OR you can choose the higher vibrational realm, which is filled with peace, cooperation, sharing, caring for the earth, loving one another, dancing, singing, creativity, joy, and childlike wonder. Too boring for you?
So today with your actions you decide which realm you will reside. You do this by choosing either high or low vibrational thoughts, actions, beliefs, patterns, and your way of doing business. Let me give you a list of examples below to help you on your path.
Low Vibrations include: Use of vulgarities and profanities, indiscriminate sex, rape, murder, slander, libel, betrayal, drama kings and queens, psychic vampires, using others, abusing others, addiction, drug use, drinking alcohol, smoking, gossip, selfishness in the negative sense of the word, greed, inventing products that harm others, passing laws that rob others of their dignity, discrimination, racism, sexism, factory farming, polluting the earth, creating products that pollute the earth, contributing to global warming, ignorance, denial, fearful thinking, warfare, destruction of the earth, destruction of mountains, robbing the earth of her lifeblood, hunting animals for sport, animal fighting, bullfighting, tests on animals, poisoning others, writing and reading dark material like paranoid thrillers or scripting violent movies, perpetuating darkness and living off the adrenaline rush, heavy metal music even with Christian lyrics, obsene lyrics, hateful words, atonal music, control and manipulation of others, mind games...
High vibrations include: Sharing, cooperation, earth stewardship, eating and growing sustainable food, connecting with the earth, poetry, arts, high vibrational music that uplifts the soul, energy medicine, meditation, yoga, Tai Chi, Chi Gong, Kung Fu, singing in choirs, teamwork, eco-villages, sustainable practices, laughter, comedy (not dark comedy), tears of joy, dancing, celebration, ceremonies (light kind), camping, hiking, spending time in the natural world in a natural way, mindfulness, cooking for others, sharing what you have with others, love, compassion, caring, raising children in a loving home, marrying for love and not money, raising plants and animals, getting involved in worthy causes, following your bliss, sharing old legends and myths, spending time with loved ones and friends, watching a life-affirming movie, living simply, walking lightly, blessing others, prayers, discovery, travel, building bridges, cultural exchange, promoting spirituality, and singing....
I think these lists give you an idea of which vibrations you most often choose. At some point though you will need to choose one list or the other. You might feel seduced by low vibrations, pressured by your peers to continue low vibrational behavior. And I tell you this, if the people around you stop you from living the life you choose and you allow them to choose for you, then my friend, it's time to find new friends.
If you suffer from addictions, get help now. If you wallow in negativity, get help now. If you have accumulated too many bad habits over the years, get help now. The saints and angels are available to help you. All you need to do is ask.
We love you. We hope you choose love.
Saint Jude
I know my sweet friends that you're busy, so I will be brief. Today's message revolves around high and low vibrations. Fear and love. Hell on Earth=Low Vibration and Heaven on Earth=High Vibration. You don't need to practice a religion to appreciate that you only have two possibilities in which to choose. Only fear and love exist, but only love is real. However, if you choose drama, if you choose violence, if you choose hipness over peace, then I won't stop you. If you choose fear and suffering, I won't stop you. Perhaps you feel you need to experience darkness to understand light.
However, we rapidly approach a time when heaven and hell will create a big divide on Mother Earth. If you choose low vibrations/fear then you will reside in hell. It's not based on sin or karma, but the choices you make and have made. When we refer to the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve chose to live in a world of dualities. And so far, for hundreds of thousands of years, duality has served humanity.
But now we enter a new age where duality will cease to exist. You have two choices, a low-vibrational realm filled with chaos, violence, madness, disease, GMO foods, darkness, and more darkness, and you bet, your share of suffering. OR you can choose the higher vibrational realm, which is filled with peace, cooperation, sharing, caring for the earth, loving one another, dancing, singing, creativity, joy, and childlike wonder. Too boring for you?
So today with your actions you decide which realm you will reside. You do this by choosing either high or low vibrational thoughts, actions, beliefs, patterns, and your way of doing business. Let me give you a list of examples below to help you on your path.
Low Vibrations include: Use of vulgarities and profanities, indiscriminate sex, rape, murder, slander, libel, betrayal, drama kings and queens, psychic vampires, using others, abusing others, addiction, drug use, drinking alcohol, smoking, gossip, selfishness in the negative sense of the word, greed, inventing products that harm others, passing laws that rob others of their dignity, discrimination, racism, sexism, factory farming, polluting the earth, creating products that pollute the earth, contributing to global warming, ignorance, denial, fearful thinking, warfare, destruction of the earth, destruction of mountains, robbing the earth of her lifeblood, hunting animals for sport, animal fighting, bullfighting, tests on animals, poisoning others, writing and reading dark material like paranoid thrillers or scripting violent movies, perpetuating darkness and living off the adrenaline rush, heavy metal music even with Christian lyrics, obsene lyrics, hateful words, atonal music, control and manipulation of others, mind games...
High vibrations include: Sharing, cooperation, earth stewardship, eating and growing sustainable food, connecting with the earth, poetry, arts, high vibrational music that uplifts the soul, energy medicine, meditation, yoga, Tai Chi, Chi Gong, Kung Fu, singing in choirs, teamwork, eco-villages, sustainable practices, laughter, comedy (not dark comedy), tears of joy, dancing, celebration, ceremonies (light kind), camping, hiking, spending time in the natural world in a natural way, mindfulness, cooking for others, sharing what you have with others, love, compassion, caring, raising children in a loving home, marrying for love and not money, raising plants and animals, getting involved in worthy causes, following your bliss, sharing old legends and myths, spending time with loved ones and friends, watching a life-affirming movie, living simply, walking lightly, blessing others, prayers, discovery, travel, building bridges, cultural exchange, promoting spirituality, and singing....
I think these lists give you an idea of which vibrations you most often choose. At some point though you will need to choose one list or the other. You might feel seduced by low vibrations, pressured by your peers to continue low vibrational behavior. And I tell you this, if the people around you stop you from living the life you choose and you allow them to choose for you, then my friend, it's time to find new friends.
If you suffer from addictions, get help now. If you wallow in negativity, get help now. If you have accumulated too many bad habits over the years, get help now. The saints and angels are available to help you. All you need to do is ask.
We love you. We hope you choose love.
Saint Jude
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Transmission: Saint Jude (Climate Change and Practicing Kindness
Where do I begin in expressing my concerns about climate change on Mother Earth? There's all this talk about practicing non-violence and kindness, but kindness should be extended not just to other humans (though that's a good start), but to all the creatures and Mother Earth. Practice kindness as a way of life, make it a vocation--the vocation of kindness. Major in kindness, earn your Masters in kindness, become the expert in kindness and walk your talk.
Every choice you make comes from kindness. Every word, every action, every reaction, every breath, infuse it with kindness. I think you get the point by now. You might know where I'm heading with this topic. But you ask what's the connection between climate change and kindness? Good question. Thank you for asking it.
Treat Mother Earth as a loving mother that nurtures and sustains you. Don't toss your trash on her, don't tear her mountains down, like a mastectomy and don't clog up her veins and tributaries with harmful chemicals. Stop murdering the fish, and killing the oceans. Live your life in defenselessness instead of defensiveness. Stop starting wars with your brothers and sisters, and scarring the earth in the process. None of those acts are kind, and no rationalization will excuse unkind behavior.
You ask about climate change, but only with half a heart because you just expect everyone else to change their behavior, while you go on your jolly way. This is not a time to place blame on anyone, but to take responsibility for the choices you make. This is a time to speak up for what you feel and know, instead of expecting someone else to pick up the slack. Stop expecting the journalists, the government, or the corporations to do all the work. I have some bad news for you, until you change your habits, the corporations won't change their's. They are under the impression that you believe it's okay to desecrate the earth, as long as you support GMO agriculture, oil production, and goods that pollute the planet. You have endorsed it, so the change my dears, must come from you.
There's all this talk about sin. That all you need to do is show up at church, take communion and wash it all away. Well, communion is merely symbolic, of a greater ceremony that you must perform, and that is the emergence of a 21st century human--the one that truly cares, the one who will make the necessary and level-headed sacrifices to preserve Mother Earth. The greatest sins include: Despair, hunger, greed, fear, violence, and the spreading of low vibrations (fear). Hatred, jealousy, rage, and not dealing with addiction contribute to this list.
Alright, by now, you're thinking, wow, the saints seem angry at humanity. Where is the love in that? Why should I listen to such angry saints? I don't blame you for asking these questions. Our love has not diminished one iota for humanity, but we feel increasing levels of frustration each passing day while we watch the earth burn away. We love Mother Earth. We love her mountains, waterways, forests, and creatures. We love the air and the weather, and everything that is natural to Mother Earth. We love humanity too, but don't understand your obsession with destroying the earth.
So the solution to climate change=kindness. You can't go wrong practicing kindness. Practice love, compassion, forgiveness, and sacrifice those bad habits and thoughts that lead you on a destructive path. Forgive yourself, forgive your neighbors and pray for peace, and truly mean it. Pray for change in your perception, and changes that allow you to live in balance on the earth. Pray for Mother Earth and all her creatures who struggle under the burden of climate change. Pray that we will solve this problem and live sustainably this day forward.
Saint Jude
Every choice you make comes from kindness. Every word, every action, every reaction, every breath, infuse it with kindness. I think you get the point by now. You might know where I'm heading with this topic. But you ask what's the connection between climate change and kindness? Good question. Thank you for asking it.
Treat Mother Earth as a loving mother that nurtures and sustains you. Don't toss your trash on her, don't tear her mountains down, like a mastectomy and don't clog up her veins and tributaries with harmful chemicals. Stop murdering the fish, and killing the oceans. Live your life in defenselessness instead of defensiveness. Stop starting wars with your brothers and sisters, and scarring the earth in the process. None of those acts are kind, and no rationalization will excuse unkind behavior.
You ask about climate change, but only with half a heart because you just expect everyone else to change their behavior, while you go on your jolly way. This is not a time to place blame on anyone, but to take responsibility for the choices you make. This is a time to speak up for what you feel and know, instead of expecting someone else to pick up the slack. Stop expecting the journalists, the government, or the corporations to do all the work. I have some bad news for you, until you change your habits, the corporations won't change their's. They are under the impression that you believe it's okay to desecrate the earth, as long as you support GMO agriculture, oil production, and goods that pollute the planet. You have endorsed it, so the change my dears, must come from you.
There's all this talk about sin. That all you need to do is show up at church, take communion and wash it all away. Well, communion is merely symbolic, of a greater ceremony that you must perform, and that is the emergence of a 21st century human--the one that truly cares, the one who will make the necessary and level-headed sacrifices to preserve Mother Earth. The greatest sins include: Despair, hunger, greed, fear, violence, and the spreading of low vibrations (fear). Hatred, jealousy, rage, and not dealing with addiction contribute to this list.

So the solution to climate change=kindness. You can't go wrong practicing kindness. Practice love, compassion, forgiveness, and sacrifice those bad habits and thoughts that lead you on a destructive path. Forgive yourself, forgive your neighbors and pray for peace, and truly mean it. Pray for change in your perception, and changes that allow you to live in balance on the earth. Pray for Mother Earth and all her creatures who struggle under the burden of climate change. Pray that we will solve this problem and live sustainably this day forward.
Saint Jude
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Transmission: Saint Francesco (What's up with the Animals)
For those of you who consider yourself sensitive and spiritual, you have received messages from non-humans, I call them creatures. Perhaps these omens have arrived in the form of synchronicity. You keep seeing the image of a fox, or you run into someone with the surname Fox, or the word fox keeps appearing either verbally or in print.
You might walk into a space and hear whale songs, then see an image of whales on a T-shirt or side of a semitruck. You might encounter a rare bird or the animals act unusual in your presence. You might even feel them communicating to you. If you're of indigenous descent, none of this will puzzle you. And if you've always felt drawn to animals and intuitive around them, then none of these new encounters will surprise you either.
But some of you who have never given the creatures much thought, will find that you become passionately drawn to a creature or two. Or you might passionately feel drawn to an animal cause, you might even become an animal advocate. You feel tenderness towards one creature, perhaps a pet, then that creatures leads you on a quest to love all animals, insects, reptiles, etc... You might feel drawn to trees, rocks, and water, finding those entities coming alive for you. It could come in any form, my dears.
Today isn't yesterday. The world has already transformed drastically since even five years ago, and especially ten years ago. I'm not talking about all the new technology that has caused too many distractions. I'm talking about climate change, natural disasters, starvation and suffering in greater numbers. While you won't be experiencing any medieval style plagues, you do need to know where your water comes from and where your food derives, and who grows it, and who produces it, and who brings it to your table.
All these things you took for granted yesterday, you must now give your attention. Don't take your eyes off of the ball. Now, I'm not asking you to live your life in paranoia. I'm not asking you to fear your neighbor, your government or anyone else who spins your world. I'm asking you to stay aware, and stay alert. You will have difficult decisions to make. Don't overanalyze or stay stuck in your head. Decide from your heart and ask, "what would love do?"
Every time you find yourself faced with an important decision ask, "what would love do?" You might even ask, "what would the holy saints do?" And if you don't know, ask us. We respond to you. Pray to us, talk to us, journal with us, remember us during meditation. We haven't left you, just changed form. We want to help, but you must ask. You don't need to use rituals or ceremonies, just talk to us. "Saint Francesco, or even Francesco, I have this problem..."
You have no idea how much love we feel for you. You have no idea how much we want humanity to achieve peace and balance on Mother Earth. We're rooting for you. But you must get rid of all your distractions. You must remove any obstacles you have that stand in the way of your path to God/Divine/Universe or whatever name you choose.
Now, let's get back to the animals. They are your friends too. You must love them. I would even go as far to say, stop eating them. Stop raising them to end up on someone's dinner plate, yours or a stranger's dinner plate. You tell yourself the animals don't mind, but in fact they do mind. Think of it this way (and I know omnivores don't wish to hear my words on this topic), the animals also deal with climate change, the weather has caused them great distress, migrating creatures especially struggle. So why make their lives more difficult? Let them live. They are sentient beings, they can communicate wisdom to humanity, they are so much more evolved than most of you imagine. You wouldn't eat your brother, I hope, so don't eat the creatures. They too are your brothers and sisters. I have felt that for centuries, no less now.
Last but not least, if you're in a desperate state or in an area of the world where eating animals is connected to survival, then show gratitude to the life you have just taken. Don't make small of it, don't take its flesh for granted. If anyone ever makes a sacrifice on your behalf show gratitude. Perform a ceremony, pray to the ancestors of that creature and that creature who you just ate or are about to consume. I repeat don't make small of this.
If you want to know more about animal ethics, please ask me and I will converse directly with you. I will also show up in your journal writing if you allow it.
For now, I love you. I will always love you.
Saint Francesco of Assisi
You might walk into a space and hear whale songs, then see an image of whales on a T-shirt or side of a semitruck. You might encounter a rare bird or the animals act unusual in your presence. You might even feel them communicating to you. If you're of indigenous descent, none of this will puzzle you. And if you've always felt drawn to animals and intuitive around them, then none of these new encounters will surprise you either.
But some of you who have never given the creatures much thought, will find that you become passionately drawn to a creature or two. Or you might passionately feel drawn to an animal cause, you might even become an animal advocate. You feel tenderness towards one creature, perhaps a pet, then that creatures leads you on a quest to love all animals, insects, reptiles, etc... You might feel drawn to trees, rocks, and water, finding those entities coming alive for you. It could come in any form, my dears.
Today isn't yesterday. The world has already transformed drastically since even five years ago, and especially ten years ago. I'm not talking about all the new technology that has caused too many distractions. I'm talking about climate change, natural disasters, starvation and suffering in greater numbers. While you won't be experiencing any medieval style plagues, you do need to know where your water comes from and where your food derives, and who grows it, and who produces it, and who brings it to your table.
All these things you took for granted yesterday, you must now give your attention. Don't take your eyes off of the ball. Now, I'm not asking you to live your life in paranoia. I'm not asking you to fear your neighbor, your government or anyone else who spins your world. I'm asking you to stay aware, and stay alert. You will have difficult decisions to make. Don't overanalyze or stay stuck in your head. Decide from your heart and ask, "what would love do?"
Every time you find yourself faced with an important decision ask, "what would love do?" You might even ask, "what would the holy saints do?" And if you don't know, ask us. We respond to you. Pray to us, talk to us, journal with us, remember us during meditation. We haven't left you, just changed form. We want to help, but you must ask. You don't need to use rituals or ceremonies, just talk to us. "Saint Francesco, or even Francesco, I have this problem..."
You have no idea how much love we feel for you. You have no idea how much we want humanity to achieve peace and balance on Mother Earth. We're rooting for you. But you must get rid of all your distractions. You must remove any obstacles you have that stand in the way of your path to God/Divine/Universe or whatever name you choose.
Now, let's get back to the animals. They are your friends too. You must love them. I would even go as far to say, stop eating them. Stop raising them to end up on someone's dinner plate, yours or a stranger's dinner plate. You tell yourself the animals don't mind, but in fact they do mind. Think of it this way (and I know omnivores don't wish to hear my words on this topic), the animals also deal with climate change, the weather has caused them great distress, migrating creatures especially struggle. So why make their lives more difficult? Let them live. They are sentient beings, they can communicate wisdom to humanity, they are so much more evolved than most of you imagine. You wouldn't eat your brother, I hope, so don't eat the creatures. They too are your brothers and sisters. I have felt that for centuries, no less now.
Last but not least, if you're in a desperate state or in an area of the world where eating animals is connected to survival, then show gratitude to the life you have just taken. Don't make small of it, don't take its flesh for granted. If anyone ever makes a sacrifice on your behalf show gratitude. Perform a ceremony, pray to the ancestors of that creature and that creature who you just ate or are about to consume. I repeat don't make small of this.
If you want to know more about animal ethics, please ask me and I will converse directly with you. I will also show up in your journal writing if you allow it.
For now, I love you. I will always love you.
Saint Francesco of Assisi
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Saints Transmission 2 (Saints Francesco and Chiara of Assisi)
ST: Good morning on this warm gray day.
Francesco & Chiara: Yes, yes, good precious day to you. And love to all the brother and sister creatures! Greet the day this way every day. Honor all the creatures, spread love to all the creatures and they will respect and not harm you.
ST: I try my best.
C: We know that you do. Think of Francesco and Brother Wolf and how Francesco showed the wolf respect. The wolf had harmed and frightened others because they approached the wolf with fear in their hearts. This is understandable because we were taught to fear wild animals and even domestic ones. For instance, we thought cats brought disease.
ST: They probably could or at least in the form of parasites carried on the cats.
C: Yes, the parasites and fleas—we did not know of bacteria and viruses. We thought disease was a punishment from God. And in a way with quantum physics and the law of cause and effect, we weren’t that far off. It’s not punishment, but the end result of an individual or society’s actions.
ST: You make a good point. For instance, if a farmer or corporate farm crowds animals into too small a space for that number of animals, disease will spread and not just to other animals. It will also spread to humans. This is logical and common sense. Greed however supersedes common sense. There’s this feeling or belief of getting away with something or tricking the gods of fate.
F: Oh, you mean the gods of money, commerce and big houses and that sort of thing.
ST: Yes, but having a big house doesn’t mean someone’s greedy, does it?
F: Sadly, it does. I’m not asking you to judge someone with a need for a multiple room house. This behavior has been programmed into souls along with a program to destroy and conquer the land and other creatures and human groups.
ST: So how do we wake these souls up from this programming that has left them in a trance?
F: Judging, blaming and shaming won’t do it. Treating others like they lost their mind or intelligence or input won’t work either.
ST: Ouch! I’ve done that.
F: Yes my dear, you have. You refuse to listen to others whose opinions are different than yours. But don’t punish yourself. You all do this and it is programming that you must delete, delete and say yes to delete… You can too. Replace those thoughts with loving and forgiving thoughts and practices. And you are doing that! Keep at it.
ST: But Francesco, what if someone’s beliefs and attitudes are destructive and violent to the rest of us? Do we let these people destroy the planets by allowing the Aquarian attitude of “live and let live”?
F: No, I didn’t say that you do nothing, but has judging, shaming and blaming ever really solved a problem? You must cultivate love and forgiveness inside you. Speak your truth, stand in your truth, and act out of integrity, but never force your “truth” on others, ever. Apply love and forgiveness always. Love is mammoth. It moves mountains literally, sprinkles stars in the heavens, causes plants to grow and blossom. We cannot exist without love.
So when you feel challenged, apply love in the form of deep breaths and loving thoughts. Focus on acts of kindness and act from a place of kindness.
ST: Thank you, Francesco and Chiara.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Transmission from Saint Francis/Francesco/Francois of Assisi
Transmission with Francesco and Chiara of Assisi
ST: Good morning, Francesco and Chiara.
Francesco & Chiara: Good, precious day to you.
ST: Well, it’s almost summertime. What can we expect this summer? The world is full of chaos, but there is also peace, joy, community, and love available to those who need it. And certainly there are all of these spiritual lessons.
F: Yes, and that will continue, both the chaos/fear and love/community. The Divide will grow and expand until one or the other dissolves for each soul. This is what we mean by heaven and hell on earth. The canyon (chasm) will grow deeper and wider until you can no longer cross back and forth between the two. So most important garden you can tend is the garden of your soul. Yank out the weeds of arrogance, doubts, worries, fears, rationalizations, judgments, gossip, etc…You don’t need these burdens anyway. Strip away this old clothing.
ST: But what do we do about individuals, government and corporations that act in a way that is not in the Highest Good? BP oil spill is an example of such a corporation or corporations that refuse to employ unemployed people, that won’t even allow these people to apply for jobs.
F: Oh, this is a tough nut, no doubt. How do you not judge someone who causes so much grief? Oh, we had this dilemma in the 12th century too. Here’s what I tell you. Don’t judge, but know that the person or entity isn’t acting in the best interest of the Highest Good. Use them as a mirror and ask yourself, “How am I polluting the earth?” Maybe it’s just a little thing in comparison, of course it would be, but focus on the change you can make in yourself. What part of you might have unknowingly contributed to the disaster?
ST: Yes, Francesco, this is a challenge. How could I have contributed to this oil spill?
F: Anytime you put a hateful or fear-driven thought in the world, you contribute to the destruction of the planet.
Think of it this way, what good does judging another bring?
ST: Well, doesn’t judgment bring justice and restore balance?
F: In a court of law or in God’s hands, yes, maybe, but not in the form of condemning, blaming, shaming, and pointing the finger. That my dear, is what I call blatant self-righteousness. It doesn’t solve the problem, but just adds more pollution to the planet.
ST: So then what do we do? How do we fix this human-made disaster?
F: Good question. Try applying love and forgiveness to the situation. There’s nothing, let me repeat, there’s nothing love can’t handle or heal. Some of you are on the right track. Get together with groups and hold a space of loving intent through prayer, meditation, and drumming.
I tell you, there’s no other way. Only LOVE will heal this. And those of you who figured that out, a good many, are well on your way to enlightenment. Yes, this is a huge disaster, yes this is a dark hour for humanity and the myriad of creatures, but I tell you only holding a space of love will manifest HEAVEN on EARTH. You must hear these words and take them to heart. Spread words of love and stop the blame game.
ST: Good morning, Francesco and Chiara.
Francesco & Chiara: Good, precious day to you.
ST: Well, it’s almost summertime. What can we expect this summer? The world is full of chaos, but there is also peace, joy, community, and love available to those who need it. And certainly there are all of these spiritual lessons.
F: Yes, and that will continue, both the chaos/fear and love/community. The Divide will grow and expand until one or the other dissolves for each soul. This is what we mean by heaven and hell on earth. The canyon (chasm) will grow deeper and wider until you can no longer cross back and forth between the two. So most important garden you can tend is the garden of your soul. Yank out the weeds of arrogance, doubts, worries, fears, rationalizations, judgments, gossip, etc…You don’t need these burdens anyway. Strip away this old clothing.
ST: But what do we do about individuals, government and corporations that act in a way that is not in the Highest Good? BP oil spill is an example of such a corporation or corporations that refuse to employ unemployed people, that won’t even allow these people to apply for jobs.
F: Oh, this is a tough nut, no doubt. How do you not judge someone who causes so much grief? Oh, we had this dilemma in the 12th century too. Here’s what I tell you. Don’t judge, but know that the person or entity isn’t acting in the best interest of the Highest Good. Use them as a mirror and ask yourself, “How am I polluting the earth?” Maybe it’s just a little thing in comparison, of course it would be, but focus on the change you can make in yourself. What part of you might have unknowingly contributed to the disaster?
ST: Yes, Francesco, this is a challenge. How could I have contributed to this oil spill?
F: Anytime you put a hateful or fear-driven thought in the world, you contribute to the destruction of the planet.
Think of it this way, what good does judging another bring?
ST: Well, doesn’t judgment bring justice and restore balance?
F: In a court of law or in God’s hands, yes, maybe, but not in the form of condemning, blaming, shaming, and pointing the finger. That my dear, is what I call blatant self-righteousness. It doesn’t solve the problem, but just adds more pollution to the planet.
ST: So then what do we do? How do we fix this human-made disaster?
F: Good question. Try applying love and forgiveness to the situation. There’s nothing, let me repeat, there’s nothing love can’t handle or heal. Some of you are on the right track. Get together with groups and hold a space of loving intent through prayer, meditation, and drumming.
I tell you, there’s no other way. Only LOVE will heal this. And those of you who figured that out, a good many, are well on your way to enlightenment. Yes, this is a huge disaster, yes this is a dark hour for humanity and the myriad of creatures, but I tell you only holding a space of love will manifest HEAVEN on EARTH. You must hear these words and take them to heart. Spread words of love and stop the blame game.
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